Getting started


Gardener consists of three repositories, two main ones: gardener-smart-contracts which holds smart contracts, and gardener-server, which is responsible for fetching data from third party data sources. The third one, gardener-monitor is optional and it helps visualizing requests.

1. Gardener server

git clone

2. Gardener smart contracts

git clone

3. Gardener monitor (optional)

git clone

Running the test blockchain - Ganache

Before we will get information from external sources to our blockchain, we have to run it first. First of all, copy server variables from template in gardener-server directory:

make copy-env

After that, we can run our blockchain. Let’s use Ganache for it:

make ganache

If you see this information:

Creating test-blockchain ... done

That means you have created test blockchain successfully. You can verify its status using:

docker ps

Running the Monitor (optional)

cp .env.tpl .env
npm install
npm start

Deploying the Smart contracts

After starting blockchain, we need to copy our smart contracts variables from template. Make sure that you are in gardener-smart-contracts directory, then:

make copy-env

Now, we are going to install dependencies that Gardener smart contract relies on.

npm install

After installing dependencies, we are going to migrate our contracts to test blockchain network

npx truffle migrate --network ganache --reset

Making example oracle request

After we have successfully configured environment, we can make example oracle request. Go to gardener-server directory, then:

make local

Change your directory to gardener-smart-contract, then:

npx truffle console --network ganache

At this moment we are in Truffle Framework console, which can be used for communicating with blockchain network. Let’s make a sample request. You can find more information about request specification Making requests section.


truffle(ganache)> UsingOracle.deployed().then(instance => instance.request("json("))

If you did everything correctly you should see something similar to

 { tx: '0x57a34e45e1f187ddeb4cbd1be3597561855563e5735a483a5b1edeb73a511278',
    { transactionHash: '0x57a34e45e1f187ddeb4cbd1be3597561855563e5735a483a5b1edeb73a511278',
      transactionIndex: 0,
      blockHash: '0x212e264c92bef193e4531cc151d5b3b36818bc4bf82e154e84af6a7c6a153b43',
      blockNumber: 18,
      from: '0x90f8bf6a479f320ead074411a4b0e7944ea8c9c1',
      to: '0x9561c133dd8580860b6b7e504bc5aa500f0f06a7',
      gasUsed: 97604,
      cumulativeGasUsed: 97604,
      contractAddress: null,
      logs: [ [Object], [Object] ],
      status: '0x1',
      logsBloom: '0x00040000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020400000005000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      v: '0x1b',
      r: '0x21052fa282f9723d221ef288cec6e947cb2ba0ef3f1d470f5dc8845806f66977',
      s: '0x1723cb7b4288f6ae32f3495d666522859150fe3d0c8e4debd3a80d452f940f50'
    [ { logIndex: 1,
        transactionIndex: 0,
        transactionHash: '0x57a34e45e1f187ddeb4cbd1be3597561855563e5735a483a5b1edeb73a511278',
        blockHash: '0x212e264c92bef193e4531cc151d5b3b36818bc4bf82e154e84af6a7c6a153b43',
        blockNumber: 18,
        address: '0x9561c133dd8580860b6b7e504bc5aa500f0f06a7',
        type: 'mined',
        event: 'DataRequestedFromOracle',
        args: [Object]
    } ]

Server logs

Look up the server container logs to check if response was sent. Moreover, you can check the request and response in the monitor if you’ve installed and ran it.

Read more - Information about Ganache